Malpractitioner Dr Frank Simonson still at it

SYDNEY — Dr Frank SIMONSON, found guilty of unsatisfactory professional conduct.  In layman’s terms a dodgy doctor.

This is the Merimbula, southern New South Wales, doctor who has a track record of malpractice.  He’s a mate of criminal Butcher of Bega Graeme REEVES.  They conducted operations together.  Yes, when Butcher Reeves was barred from practising obstetrics.  Didn’t stop either of them engaging in medical fraud.

This is the doctor who let baby Elijah Slavkovic die in 2009 – a 3 month old baby who presented to Pambula Hospital, when SIMONSON couldn’t be bothered treating and caring for baby Elijah and fobbed him, with Elijah’s parents, off to Bega Hospital and a hospital runaround beyond belief.

If the HCCC had done its job in 2009, other patients may not have suffered the same fate and lived.  Dr Simonson’s methods haven’t changed since the Medical Tribunal inquired into his “ways” back in September 2006.  But his history went back before that.

He should be barred from practising medicine.  The public needs protecting. Country people have been lumbered with him for more than a decade and nothing’s changed.

READ MORE:—Unsatisfactory-professional-conduct

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