No food or Panadol for patient


DUBBO BASE HOSPITAL, some 390km west of Sydney, with about 130 beds, is delivering third world care.

A patient suffering extreme pain following hip fracture surgery was denied Panadol because the hospital had run out! The same patient was starved of food for 3 days because no dietician was on duty or the hospital was too mean to pay for a dietician on a long weekend.

Read how Cobar District Hospital denied the same patient medical treatment and discharged him whilst medically unwell.

Yes, folks this is ‘Australian hospital care at work’.

“Sub-optimal” is the word a Coroner described Dubbo Base Hospital. Little has changed.

Dubbo Base Hospital has the highest mortality rate post hip fracture surgery according to Bureau of Health Information report. 91% of their patients over 65 years of age die within 30 days of surgery. This is the reason why they rush to discharge patients so the Coroner doesn’t get wind of it.

Health bureaucrats use the funding excuse when it’s their maladministration which routinely dismisses the needs of country people who are entitled to the same quality of care as city people. Why aren’t they receiving it? Go ask your Member of Parliament.

On top of that, the impudence of Dubbo Base Hospital to charge a deceased pensioner’s bereaved family some $620 for a copy of his medical records is nothing short of loathsome. Perhaps their irregular “fee” can pay for a dietician at the weekend?

Read more of the plight of regional hospitals and health care by Carrie Fellner in today’s The Sydney Morning Herald:

No food or Panadol: anger over ‘third world’ conditions before death

Regional hospitals inadequate care


We have reported to state health departments and ministers for health, for years about sub-optimal care at our regional hospitals. Country people do not receive the same medical and health care as city folk. Why is that?

Dubbo Base Hospital and Cobar District Hospital surfaced on our radar years ago in the error-prone hospitals list. And Cobar is a small hospital.

An investigation by The Sydney Morning Herald has uncovered a string of troubling incidents within the past 12 months, including a death and a series of near-misses, at Cobar and Dubbo hospitals within the Western NSW Local Health District.

They include allegations a man lost most of his bowel after a hospital repeatedly refused to admit him; a patient being told his ward had “run out of Panadol”; and that in a facility that had undergone a multimillion-dollar upgrade, there was no-one who could insert an IV drip.

Read more of The Sydney Morning Herald’s Carrie Fellner’s report:

From a walk at Manly to amputation: hospitals putting lives ‘at risk’

Appalling treatment of the disabled continues

ADELAIDE — Police are investigating how an Adelaide woman with cerebral palsy was allowed to die in “disgusting and degrading circumstances”, and have declared her death a major crime.

They are considering her death a manslaughter.

Police say Ann-Marie Smith died on April 6 at Royal Adelaide Hospital of severe septic shock, multi-organ failure, severe pressure sores, malnutrition and issues connected with her cerebral palsy after being stuck in a cane chair for 24 hours a day in her Kensington Park home for more than a year.

The 54-year-old lived alone in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs and relied on a carer for all of her needs.

Read more of ABC News:

SA Police are investigating death of a woman in ‘disgusting and degrading’ circumstances

CSL ghouls at it again

Australia’s $142 billion biotechnology company was the subject of a controversial report by Credit Suisse’s environmental, social and governance team.

CSL = Commonwealth Serum Laboratories.

Don’t ever forget what the CSL did to recipients of blood contaminated with deadly viruses.

Read the articles in The Australian Financial Review and The Sydney Morning Herald:

CSL on the defence over migrant plasma donors

CSL’s blood payments in the US under the microscope

R.I.P. RN Tim Griffin

MELBOURNE – Thanks go to and for Registered Nurse Timothy Griffin for his tremendous efforts in exposing medical negligence at The Austin Hospital, Heidelberg, 16km north-east of Melbourne.

Tim had a conscience. He passed away last month. His legacy not forgotten.

The Austin didn’t listen. Was in denial then. Remains in denial now. Holier than thou. Shame on you Austin Hospital. Worried being honest will dent your donors?

Hospitals – dishonest to the core, freewheeling, ungoverned, reckless overdosing on unaccountability. Not interested in the safety of the patient. The trusting public gets what they dish up and woe betide you.

It would be right that AHPRA and the Minister for Health dismissed him. It’s what they do to all whistleblowers. Their reckoning is coming.

RIP Tim Griffin.

Whistleblower nurse Tim Griffin loses final battle

NSW Health blames everyone else

SYDNEY — NSW Ministry of Health blames everyone else but itself for its inadequacies.

NSW Health shifted its own incompetence and blamed Australian Border Force for letting passengers off cruise ship Ruby Princess without implementing any health checks or quarantine necessity.

The Australian Border Force has laid blame for the debacle directly back on federal agricultural authorities and NSW Health.

More than 100 passengers on the ship which disembarked in Sydney on Thursday 19/3/20 have since been confirmed to have the coronavirus.

Read today’s media for confirmation NSW HEALTH BUNGLED, again.

WARNING – Australia’s public health system peril

“THE DIRTY WAR ON THE NHS” by John Pilger, released November 2019.

John Pilger’s passionate but most concerning film addresses threats to the UK National Health Service (NHS), from the burgeoning presence of private health care companies to the invasion of bureaucrats.

This scenario is already happening in Australia. BE WARNED!


It doesn’t matter who is in power, Labor, Liberal/Nationals, they all want to get rid of public hospitals and privatise our health system under the guise of “reform” and “innovate” that is opening the door to private healthcare companies and an invasion of bureaucrats and management consultants.


View The Dirty War on the NHS now on SBS TV On Demand.

Another surgical fraudster at Spire Hospital Solihull UK

WEST MIDLANDS, ENGLAND – Some 217 private patients at the same private hospital linked to the criminal Ian PATERSON breast surgery scandal have been recalled over concerns orthopaedic surgeon Habib RAHMAN may have performed ‘unnecessary’ or ‘inappropriate shoulder’ operations on them.

Spire Parkway Hospital in Solihull, West Midlands, is the hospital.

Is this a systemic medical fraud practice or maladministration?

Hundreds of private patients have been asked to have a follow-up with an independent specialist ‘to review their care and to understand more about their post-operative recovery’, Spire Healthcare said. 

Read the full story by Joseph Laws of the Daily Mail UK:

Surgeon ‘carried out unnecessary or inappropriate shoulder surgeries’ on 217 private patients

Red Cross ripping off victims again

The Australian Red Cross is at it again ripping off victims, this time bushfire victims.

Remember tainted blood scandal? It’s a crime still unaddressed. And the Bali bombing in 2002? Australians donated generously for victims to be helped – not for the Red Cross to build up its coffers.

Red Cross ripped off all the tainted blood victims by deviously seeing their medical and transfusion records were mysteriously destroyed. As for compensation for their contaminated blood? Go whistle Dixie.

Now Australian Red Cross is withholding millions donated to help bushfire victims NOW. Not next month, not next year, NOW.

The Red Cross withheld the Bali bombing donations as well, deciding they’d do other things like improve the blood bank and buy ambulances with moneys generously donated by Australians for victims following Bali.

Australian Red Cross = power of inhumanity, misdeeds and greed.

Mother, 25, underwent double mastectomy after doctors MISDIAGNOSED breast cancer

LONDON – Mother-of-two had a double mastectomy and endured months of chemotherapy before doctors admitted they had misdiagnosed her with breast cancer.

Sarah Boyle was told she had triple negative breast cancer in 2016 and underwent several rounds of chemotherapy before having both breasts removed.

But in June 2017, doctors at Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered her biopsy had been misread, leading to her misdiagnosis.

Ms Boyle, then just 25, was then told that reconstructive surgery could increase the risk of her developing the disease in the future.

While she was initially told her cancer treatment could lead to fertility issues, Ms Boyle went on to have a second child, Louis, who is now 13 months old. 

Ms Boyle, now 28, lives in Stoke-on-Trent with her sons Teddy, Louis and her husband of five years, Steven, 31.

She was misdiagnosed by doctors following the birth of her youngest child.

She was later informed by her surgeon, Mr Sankaran Narayanan, that her biopsy had been incorrectly reported and it was confirmed that she did not have cancer.

Ms Boyle said: ‘Even now it is so difficult to try and describe what has happened to me.

‘To be told you have cancer and it’s uncommon for someone your age was hard enough to take in.

‘But then to be told after months of horrific treatment that it was all unnecessary is something I’m not sure I’ll ever fully come to terms with.

‘It’s not just the physical effects that I have been left with but also the mental torture of what I’ve been through.

Read more of The Daily Mail UK’s story:

Mother, 25 underwent double mastectomy and chemotherapy after doctors MISDIAGNOSED breast cancer