Red Cross ripping off victims again

The Australian Red Cross is at it again ripping off victims, this time bushfire victims.

Remember tainted blood scandal? It’s a crime still unaddressed. And the Bali bombing in 2002? Australians donated generously for victims to be helped – not for the Red Cross to build up its coffers.

Red Cross ripped off all the tainted blood victims by deviously seeing their medical and transfusion records were mysteriously destroyed. As for compensation for their contaminated blood? Go whistle Dixie.

Now Australian Red Cross is withholding millions donated to help bushfire victims NOW. Not next month, not next year, NOW.

The Red Cross withheld the Bali bombing donations as well, deciding they’d do other things like improve the blood bank and buy ambulances with moneys generously donated by Australians for victims following Bali.

Australian Red Cross = power of inhumanity, misdeeds and greed.

Mother, 25, underwent double mastectomy after doctors MISDIAGNOSED breast cancer

LONDON – Mother-of-two had a double mastectomy and endured months of chemotherapy before doctors admitted they had misdiagnosed her with breast cancer.

Sarah Boyle was told she had triple negative breast cancer in 2016 and underwent several rounds of chemotherapy before having both breasts removed.

But in June 2017, doctors at Royal Stoke University Hospital discovered her biopsy had been misread, leading to her misdiagnosis.

Ms Boyle, then just 25, was then told that reconstructive surgery could increase the risk of her developing the disease in the future.

While she was initially told her cancer treatment could lead to fertility issues, Ms Boyle went on to have a second child, Louis, who is now 13 months old. 

Ms Boyle, now 28, lives in Stoke-on-Trent with her sons Teddy, Louis and her husband of five years, Steven, 31.

She was misdiagnosed by doctors following the birth of her youngest child.

She was later informed by her surgeon, Mr Sankaran Narayanan, that her biopsy had been incorrectly reported and it was confirmed that she did not have cancer.

Ms Boyle said: ‘Even now it is so difficult to try and describe what has happened to me.

‘To be told you have cancer and it’s uncommon for someone your age was hard enough to take in.

‘But then to be told after months of horrific treatment that it was all unnecessary is something I’m not sure I’ll ever fully come to terms with.

‘It’s not just the physical effects that I have been left with but also the mental torture of what I’ve been through.

Read more of The Daily Mail UK’s story:

Mother, 25 underwent double mastectomy and chemotherapy after doctors MISDIAGNOSED breast cancer

HCCC not fit to regulate

New South Wales’ patients deserve better.

Again and again the HCCC needs investigating.  The Joint Parliamentary Committee for the HCCC is a dismal failure.  It is blind to the HCCC’s malfeasance.

It is beyond belief that the HCCC allowed surgeon Dr Michael John BYROM to continue operating on patients.

It found there were ‘no grounds to restrict Dr Byrom’s practice’.  Eight patients of Byrom’s ended up dead!  And the near misses not numbered here.

The HCCC states it was ‘waiting on further information’.  Get real.  Patients are operated on daily, not around the HCCC investigation schedule.  It further states it ‘undertook a rigorous and thorough assessment of the complaint’.  This is extraordinary but not surprising for the HCCC.

A royal commission into the HCCC is long overdue. Complaint after complaint they dismiss.

The skills, capacity and thinking of investigators at the HCCC need addressing for the maladministration continues as routine.  Nothing short of sacking HCCC administrators is required.

Wasn’t it bad enough the HCCC had a convicted sex offender running their investigations division?  

The HCCC continues to conduct its “agenda” that patient safety comes last.

Bet those HCCC investigators would not schedule heart surgery by Dr Byrom.

RPAH heart surgeon allowed operating after patients die

SYDNEY – The cardiothoracic surgery department of Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPAH) in Camperdown Sydney has been subject to multiple probes during the past 3 years, with allegations of eight preventable patients deaths during or following heart surgery.

The surgeon at the centre of the investigations is Dr Michael John BYROM.

Don’t let your family be operated by him.

Read more of The Australian’s story by Natasha Robinson:

Heart surgeon allowed to operate after patients die

Cover-up on infected blood ‘came from top’

LONDON – What we’ve been reporting for decades, it’s a criminal cover-up by our governments, politicians, bureaucrats and Red Cross. All the way to the top in Australia too. This is the crime our governments covered-up.

In the process Australian governments discarded every hospital patient who received infected blood from Australian Red Cross Blood Service.

Most of the persons involved in the cover-up went on to being awarded Orders of Australia so the public is misled into believing they were do-gooders when in fact they were the perpetrators.

Read more of The Times London story:

Cover-up on infected blood ‘came from top’

Officials knew of hepatitis infections from tainted blood

LONDON – Officials at the UK Department of Health knew that people were falling ill with hepatitis from contaminated blood products in the early 1970s but allowed the infected treatments to remain in use, documents have suggested.

In the 1970s and 1980s thousands of haemophiliacs were infected with hepatitis, HIV or both through contaminated Factor VIII, a drug that provides haemophiliacs with the protein they are missing, which helps blood to clot.

Survivors and bereaved families have demanded to know what health officials knew about the risk of infection.

A number of files relating to the government’s response have gone missing campaigners found.

Eleanor Grey, QC, acting for the Department of Health, said that this showed there had been “at worst a cover-up, at best a lack of candour about past events”.

Read more of The Times story by Kaya Burgess:

Officials ‘knew of hepatitis infections from tainted blood’

Convicted sex offender still employed at HCCC


The NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) retains on its payroll the convicted sex offender who was/is in charge of investigating medical misconduct and patient complaints.

Yes that’s right, patients, investigating YOUR complaints. You can see why YOUR complaint was dismissed / disregarded / closed – the criminal sex offender was overseeing YOUR complaints.

If it is not doctors practising medicine without qualifications and getting away with it for years and years, it’s criminals overseeing medical malpractice investigations. Explains why your complaints went nowhere.

Which employment agency is the government engaging to scrutinise applicants? Sounds like themselves.

Go to hospital and end up dead

Every Minister for Health in Australia should hang their heads in shame at what’s going on in our hospitals with safety of patients. Your failures as ministers are demonstrated by your continual ‘let’s have an inquiry’ to avoid facing facts.

How many times does MEAG have to raise the point that regional hospitals aren’t functioning? Many city ones aren’t either.

Not for fit for purpose? God help every Australian who ends up in hospital.

Go in healthy. Come out dead. It’s called a “clean kill” in medical circles.

Mesh mutilator doctor now on sex assault charges

SYDNEY – Remember ex gynaecologist doctor Richard Ian REID from Newcastle and Edgecliff? He mutilated hundreds of women, that we know of, with his pelvic mesh cheese-grater invention.

He was arrested last Monday and charged with 8 counts of aggravated sexual assault of a former patient. He has been bailed and to return to court next month – October 30th 2019.

REID had a colourful history of medical malpractice, faked patient records and the like and was found guilty of misconduct in 2016. He liked to call himself Associate Professor.

READ more in today’s newspapers.

NSW healthcare watchdog hired convicted sex offender to investigate misconduct

SYDNEY – NSW’s medical watchdog is under fire for hiring a convicted sex offender to investigate patient complaints, potentially including sexual misconduct by doctors.

Key points:

  • No action was taken by the HCCC against the staffer when his criminal history was uncovered
  • But two employees were fired after uncovering the offender’s HR records
  • NSW Health Minister has demanded a further investigation into the employment screening process

Sources say the staffer was hired by the Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) in December 2017, but a background check was not done until May 2018.

The HCCC is required to run police background checks before hiring new staff.

The sex offence was then noted on an HR database, but no action was taken against the employee or those involved in the recruitment process.

Two other HCCC employees who subsequently accessed the HR file were sacked for breaching data privacy rules.


NSW Health Care Complaints Commission (HCCC) hired convicted sex offender to investigate misconduct