Australia’s PUBLIC TRUSTEE – the untrustworthy trustee.
The true meaning of malfeasance is the PUBLIC TRUSTEE — devious and inept | run amok with power and self-importance and money that is not theirs | answerable to no one | operate in clandestine | self-serving legislation protects it | preying on vulnerable and unworldly people | lying is its modus operandi | run by staff thrilled with glee to destroy people’s lives.
PUBLIC TRUSTEE does not know what honesty and morality mean. Evidence and facts? They don’t worry about that. They manufacture it and stick to it. Investigate reportings? They believe anything and bypass ascertaining facts before they go in for the kill. They “look for clients” especially ones with property, vehicles and assets and believe anything troublemakers report. They cause sheer hell for families. Woe betide challenging it. You’re up against the most malicious lot of people you’ll encounter in your life. Possibly psychopaths?
Just take a look at the PUBLIC TRUSTEE state and territory branches and who they are run by. Old boy’s club of political appointments. They just slithered into positions to maladminister the same old obfuscation under the guise of trust then stand over people like the mafia.
Hundreds of emails fill our inbox of PUBLIC TRUSTEE malfeasance from people across the nation who received pay-outs in medical malpractice cases — who don’t know each other — but all say the same terrifying thing. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE / GUARDIAN / PROTECTIVE COMMISSIONS are power crazed malicious entities.
Your life is over if you have your life taken over by PUBLIC TRUSTEE. The most evil government entities in Australia. Rotten to the core.
Failure by our politicians to rectify and redeem — they’ve had plenty warning.
Australia is the unlucky country to have these organisations in existence.
Want to know more? Think pop star Britney Spears #FreeBritney (Framing Britney, 2021) and watch episode of ABC Four Corners (State Control, 14/3/2022) which exposes the stories of Australians who say they’ve been virtually abducted by the state, stripped of their assets and stopped from speaking out, until now.
Ombudsman finds State Trustees failed Victoria’s most vulnerable
State Trustees boss Craig Dent fired, case referred to IBAC