New York ex-gynaecologist sex abuse victims get over $165m

NEW YORK — Columbia to pay over $165 million to sex abuse victims of ex-gynecologist Robert Hadden

Two New York hospitals have agreed to pay more than $165 million to 147 former patients who have accused a former gynecologist of sexual abuse and misconduct.

Columbia University Irving Medical Center and NewYork-Presbyterian announced the agreement Friday.  Last year, the two hospitals reached a settlement to establish a $71 million compensation fund with 79 of HADDEN’s former patients.

The doctor, Robert HADDEN, surrendered his medical license after being convicted in 2016 on sex-related charges.  He currently awaits trial on separate charges of sexually abusing dozens of young and unsuspecting female patients for over two decades.

HADDEN, Englewood, New Jersey, resident has pleaded not guilty to six counts of inducing others to travel to engage in illegal sex acts.  A message was left Friday with an attorney representing Hadden.

Prosecutors have described HADDEN as a “predator in a white coat,” accusing him of singling out young and unsuspecting victims, including a young girl he had delivered at birth.

In a statement Friday, Columbia University Irving Medical Center said:

“We deeply regret the pain that Robert Hadden’s patients suffered and hope that these resolutions will provide some measure of support for the women he hurt.  All those who came forward should be commended.”


Columbia to pay over $165 million to sex abuse victims of ex-gynecologist Robert Hadden

MEAG COMMENT:  Compare this to the highly offensive and paltry sums victims of the crimes of the ‘butcher of Bega’ Graeme Reeves were offered by the New South Wales Government.  Oh, you won’t know because it was kept secret from the public.

Up to 200 doctors caught in specialist registration bungle, AHPRA admits


The watchdog AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) refuses to divulge how many have had to surrender their specialist GP registration as a result of its admin error.

AHPRA has revealed that close to 200 doctors who have been working in general practice for more than ten years have been asked to prove they are qualified GPs following an administrative bungle dating back to 2010.

Last month, Australian Doctor was told a dozen doctors were currently being investigated by the regulator to determine whether they had mistakenly been given specialist GP status back when the national registration scheme was first created.

If they fail to satisfy AHPRA, they face being stripped both of their specialist status and their patients’ access to higher Medicare rebates.

But AHPRA is remaining tight-lipped on how many other doctors have already lost the right to call themselves GPs.

It has only said that following an audit, it identified “a small number (fewer than 200)” doctors who may have been wrongly practising as GPs.

It would not give any further figures but confirmed some were able to demonstrate their eligibility, while others “tardily volunteered to surrender their specialist registration”.

AHPRA said its register of medical practitioners created a decade ago had relied on data matching processes, including datasets from the specialist colleges and Medicare, which were later found to contain errors.

GPs whose eligibility for specialist registration could not be confirmed were asked to provide evidence, such as fellowship with either the RACGP or ACRRM.

READ MORE from AAP published in Australian Doctor by Siobhan Calafiore 5/10/22:

Up to 200 doctors caught up in specialist registration bungle, AHPRA admits

Forensic lab fails DNA testing


Two senior staff members have been stood down at Queensland’s forensic lab as work continues to retest thousands of DNA samples that were initially overlooked.  A report revealed state lab failed to test eligible DNA samples for four years.

An interim report handed down on Tuesday 27/9/22 exposed serious shortfalls that centre on a failure to test samples under a certain DNA threshold.

Some of the samples could provide partial or full DNA profiles, and Queensland police are in the process of reviewing criminal cases potentially affected between 2018 and June 2022.

It is still unclear why the threshold limits were changed.

Read more from the Australian Associated Press (AAP):

Forensic lab staff stood down as thousands of Queensland DNA samples retested

UK contaminated blood payout, too little, too late

LONDON — Contaminated Blood Inquiry

The $121,000 payment to each victim is an interim one before a continuing inquiry concludes.

Thousands of people in Britain infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood transfusions will receive a compensation payment decades after the scandal, according to the UK government.

The payment of £100,000 ($121,000) to each victim is an interim one after Brian Langstaff, the chairman of a public inquiry into the long-running scandal, last month recommended making immediate payouts before waiting for a continuing inquiry to conclude.

The former High Court judge said that the “moral case for compensation is beyond doubt”.

UK to pay victims of decades-old tainted blood scandal

MEAG COMMENT:  Where is Australia’s morals?

Scandalous Tavistock child gender clinic closed

London, England NW3 —

The revelations by brave whistleblowers that finally brought disgraced gender clinic Tavistock down: Children rushed onto life-altering puberty blockers, doctors ‘converting’ gay children into thinking they’re trans and mental health issues brushed aside
  • UK’s sole child gender clinic was ordered to close it doors 28 July 2022 following decades of controversy
  • Closure finally came after a probe into concerns among whistleblower staff, patients and parents
  • London-based Gender Identity Development Service has treated 9,000 children as young as 10 since 1989
  • But former patients claim they were rushed to change gender without mental health properly assessed
  • Medics described a ‘climate of fear’ about being labelled transphobic by managers and colleagues

READ full stories:

Emily Craig, health reporter, for Daily Mail:

The revelations brave whistleblowers finally brought disgraced gender clinic Tavistock down

André Langlois, Hampstead Highgate Express:

NHS to close Hampstead children’s gender clinic


MEAG COMMENT:  What is going on with the medical profession and managers and associated entities that this went unmonitored and for so long?  These entities run amok with power to abuse and violate people — their guinea pigs — in the process.  A violation of one’s rights – an understatement.

Infected blood victims scandal to receive £100,000 ASAP

LONDON — Victims of the infected blood scandal will receive £100,000 compensation each “as soon as possible”, the UK Government will announce.

An estimated 2,400 people died after being infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood products in the 1970s and 1980s in what has been labelled the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.

It follows a long-running inquiry into the tragedy, involving over 2,000 participants who are infected or affected.  Sir Brian LANGSTAFF, the chairman of the inquiry, last month called for compensation to be provided to victims “without delay”.

His demand was backed by three former health secretaries, Jeremy HUNT, Matt HANCOCK and Andy BURNHAM.

Read more in London’s Evening Standard by Daniel Keane:

Victims of infected blood scandal to receive £100,000 compensation ‘as soon as possible’ 


Bad Luck Sir John Major ex-PM

LONDON — Infected Blood Inquiry, England

One of many who wilfully covered-up the contaminated blood scandal was former British Prime Minister the Right (dis)Honourable Sir John Major.  Yes, that’s right all the way to the top of government the orders came to smother the scandal at all cost.

He didn’t care one iota for the British public he had fooled for so long.

Major, in his evidence at the Infected Blood Inquiry today, said that people who contracted infected blood was “bad luck”.  Bad luck?

That blood was contaminated with infections such as hepatitis C and HIV and innocent recipients ended up dead after enduring slow deaths wiping out families and Major deems it “bad luck”.

Bad luck to you Sir John Major.  You’re a disgrace.

It’s not the first time Major has needed to hang his head in shame.  Now he can keep it down permanently.  Sickening to think he was a prime minister.  Bad luck actually.

Does he get his knighthood for services to cover-ups stripped?

Wake-up Australia, you’ve been conned

Australia leads COVID deaths — despite boosters

Now Australia, wake up.  If you haven’t been reading epidemiologists’ findings and reports and studying stats, you’ve missed what was really going on as the mainstream media has let you down not reporting escalating deaths thinking we’d all be frightened.

Why reporters did not question the demands made by government is extraordinary.  Many reporters were asked why they were not questioning the inept TGA, instead all ‘singing from the same hymn sheet’ and pooh-poohed our challenges to their incredibly similar unvaried stories clearly emanating from government press releases.  Spare us from COVID hysteria in the media.  Anyone who dared to stand up and question government was threatened with shut-up and obey or else.

Government got a free run thinking we are stupid.  Now the chickens are coming home to roost.  Truth always outs, eventually.

Start asking your Ministers for Health to explain what were they thinking.

Read politicom’s Paul Collits’ full article of 9/6/22.

Australia leads COVID deaths — despite boosters