TGA hid vaccine deaths from Australian public

CANBERRA, AUSTRALIA — The Therapeutic Goods (mal)Administration (TGA), Australia’s medicines regulator, has engaged in criminal conduct by hiding COVID-19 vaccine deaths from the public concerned that ‘disclosure could undermine public confidence’.  These people are lunatics.

The TGA – Australia’s poster child for malfeasance.

We all got lied to by our governments nationally and state/territory.  No surprise there.  Telling lies is government first order of business.

Any of us who queried it, were shut down right left and centre.  Main stream media let the public down.  They didn’t ask questions.  The followed the government’s mantra.  Extraordinary.


Australia’s drug regulator hid vaccine deaths from the public, concerned that ‘disclosure could undermine public confidence’

Australian regulators concealed fatal vaccine-induced myocarditis from the public

Australian regulators concealed fatal vaccine-induced myocarditis from the public

The malfeasant TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) excels in ineptitude – that’s saying it lightly – and criminal conduct. Think medicines’ stuff-ups.  Think TGA.  They approved such.

The letter the TGA wrote to Dr Melissa McCann illustrates it is better to cover up these things so as not to frighten people into not getting vaccinated.

Read Peter A McCullough MD MPH – Courageous Discourse

By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) led by Dr. John Skerritt, MD, PhD, has been the face of regulatory decisions for Australia during the pandemic crisis.  This week in an explosive set of public lectures, crowded halls filled with thousands of Australians learned from Dr. Melissa McCann, BPharm, MBBS, FRACGP,  who also holds a Graduate Certificate of Allergic Disease, that Skerritt and the TGA had determined that several young previously healthy children died of COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis.  Redacted letters from the TGA to McCann indicated these facts and an admission of willful concealment.

PS. Remember the threats from the Australian Government.  This vaccine is sooooo safe that we were threatened to have it.

Vale Shirley Shackleton 1931-2023


What a fighter you were Shirley.  Loved our conversations.  Thank you for your steadfast support always encouraging.  Fight untruths and dishonesty with gusto. Stand up to governments who lie as a first order of business.  RIP Shirley, you deserve it. What a fighter.  What a wonderful human being.  Honoured, loved and remembered forever. ….Lorraine Long

Shirley Shackleton will be remembered as the fearless woman who campaigned for justice for the Balibo Five and East Timor

10,000 patients given faulty knee replacements

ENGLAND — More than 10,000 patients have been given a faulty knee replacement which doubles he risk of joint failure, The Telegraph London can disclose.

Implant has twice accepted failure rate with potentially catastrophic consequences for patients, particularly the elderly

The implant, which has been in use since 2003, was withdrawn from the market by its manufacturer in October.

The Telegraph has learnt that UK health regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is now preparing to issue a field safety notice, prohibiting its use.

Available across multiple NHS trusts, the implant, manufactured by Zimmer Biomet, a US firm, has been shown to fail in up to seven per cent of patients after ten years – twice the accepted failure rate of 3.5 per cent set by the National Joint Registry.

One study found the failure rate to be much higher at 17.6 per cent – more than five times as high as the accepted level.

This can have catastrophic consequences for patients, many of whom are elderly, as undergoing a second knee replacement operation poses a much greater risk.

The knee replacement, called the Nexgen, is part of a family of Zimmer Biomet implant devices with 88 possible variants. In total, these have been given to over 183,000 people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and more than five million worldwide.  Of these variants, three combinations have been proven to place patients at a dangerously high risk of joint failure.


More than 10,000 given faulty knee replacements

The fraud of the TGA


The fraud of the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is scurrilous.  We’ve said it for years.  The conflict of interest boils down to corruption and the majority of politicians are so ill-informed that they let the corruption continue.

Senator Gerard Rennick (QLD) would be one of the most informed politicians we have.  He does his homework.

How many times have we pointed out the failures of the TGA?  Their malfeasance is the standard for Australia, i.e. malfeasance in public service stands as acceptable.  God help Australia.


East Kent NHS: Dozens of babies and mothers died in childbirth


Damning report finds ‘shocking and uncomfortable’ failings at major NHS trust caused ‘significant harm’ to families

Dozens of babies and mothers died or were injured during childbirth because of repeated failings in maternity care at a major NHS trust, a damning report has found.

Dr Bill Kirkup, who led the investigation, said his findings into substandard care at the East Kent trust between 2009 and 2020 were “shocking and uncomfortable” and had a catastrophic impact on families.

Kirkup’s scathing report is the second this year alone, and the third since 2015, to expose what he called “embedded, deep-rooted problems” in the way the health service looks after pregnant women and their babies.

His almost three-year long inquiry identified an array of serious problems with maternity services at the trust’s William Harvey hospital in Ashford and Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother hospital in Margate.


East Kent Inquiry: dozens of babies and mothers died or injured in childbirth

Murdering nurse Lucy Letby full indictment


The murdering-spree of one nurse at the Countess of Chester Hospital NHS, north-west England.  An unimaginable timeline of events.  Shockingly, it’s not new!   C A S K 

Full indictment against Lucy Letby — charged as follows:

Count 1

Charged with murder of Baby A on June 8, 2015

Count 2

Charged with attempted murder of Baby B between the June 8, 2015 and June 11, 2015

Count 3

Charged with murder of Baby C on June 14, 2015

Count 4

Charged with murder of Baby D on June 22, 2015

Count 5

Charged with murder of Baby E on August 4, 2015

Count 6

Charged with attempted murder of Baby F on August 5, 2015

Count 7

Charged with attempted murder of Baby G on September 7, 2015

Count 8

Charged with attempted murder of Baby G on September 21, 2015

Count 9

Charged with attempted murder of Baby G on September 21, 2015

Count 10

Charged with attempted murder of Baby H on September 26, 2015

Count 11

Charged with attempted murder of Baby H on September 27, 2015

Count 12

Charged with murder of Baby I on October 23, 2015

Count 13

Charged with attempted murder of Baby J on November 27, 2015

Count 14

Charged with attempted murder of Baby K on February 17, 2015

Count 15

Charged with attempted murder of Baby L on April 9, 2016

Count 16

Charged with attempted murder of Baby M on April 9, 2016

Count 17

Charged with attempted murder of Baby N on June 3, 2016

Count 18

Charged with attempted murder of Baby N on June 15, 2016

Count 19

Charged with attempted murder of Baby N on June 15, 2016

Count 20

Charged with murder of Baby O on June 23, 2016

Count 21

Charged with murder of Baby P on June 24, 2016

Count 22

Charged with attempted murder of Baby Q on June 25, 2016

Killer nurse tracked families of her victims on Facebook after killing them

MANCHESTER, ENGLAND — Lucy LETBY, 32, ‘tracked families of her victims on Facebook after killing them’: Neonatal nurse ‘murdered seven babies by injecting them with milk, insulin or air’, ‘poisoned newborn twins and killed premature boy just minutes after starting her shift’

  • Lucy Letby, 32, allegedly murdered five boys and two girls in Countess of Chester Hospital over 12 months
  • Nurse also accused of trying to kill ten other children between 2015 and 2016 at Countess of Chester Hospital
  • Boy had three attempts on his life – including two in one day, court told. Two children ‘poisoned with insulin’
  • Letby also allegedly pumped air, milk and other fluids into the bodies of babies she was meant to be caring for
  • She denies all 22 charges relating to 17 babies. Her Manchester Crown Court trial will last up to six months

By Martin Robinson Chief Reporter and Elly Blake and Nigel Bunyan and Laurence Dollimore For Mailonline



Lucy Letby, 32, ‘tracked families of her victims on Facebook after killing them’: Neonatal nurse ‘murdered seven babies by injecting them with milk, insulin or air’, ‘poisoned newborn twins and killed premature boy just minutes after starting her shift’